Why My Fish Have A Rotten Tail?

Ornamental fishtails rotten can be said to be a very common disease in fish keeping. The tails can be large or small. If they are found and dealt with in time, it is easy to solve the problem, and if it is delayed to the later stage, it cannot recover. Today, I will talk about the reasons for the rotten ornamental fishtails and how to deal with it.

First of all, we can attribute the rotten fishtails to external and internal causes. External factors generally refer to the external conditions of fish keeping, such as water quality, or attacks from other fish, or caused by parasites or bacteria. In contrast, internal factors are the physical problems of the fish. Of course, the tail of ornamental fish is the result of the interaction between external and internal factors. A fish with a good health is not easily affected by an external factor.

Caused by poor water quality

This should be a more common cause of tail rotten, especially if the fish tank is too small and the water body is too small, so the water quality is quickly deteriorated, which in turn causes some fish with long fin tails, which are prone to rotten, such as Goldfish, Thai betta fish. If external factors cause the tail, the fundamental solution is to change the fish tank to make the water larger so that the water quality is not easy to deteriorate. At the same time, maintain a fixed water change once a week after the tank is opened for one month, probably every time—one-third to one-fourth of the water. The water quality is controlled, and the fish is healthy; it is unlikely to have a rotten tail.

Caused by other fish attacks

This reason should be well understood. It is a fact that some fish in the tank love to bite other fish or fish that like to fight. The most notorious is the cichlid, which is more ruthless than the fighting fish. If there is not much space in the same fish tank, other fish will be bullied by the tank tyrant to nowhere, and their tails will also be bitten.

Some friends may be thinking, catch out the most fierce one in the tank. If it is a fish of this nature like the cichlid, if you catch out the boss, the second will get up and get involved. Catch out the second one and the third one will get up. The core is still a larger space, and there are some shelters for the weaker fish to hide. And if it is a betta fish, you can only raise them alone. Secondly, tiger fish, which like to bite, can only be mixed with ornamental fish with big fins.

Caused by parasites or bacteria

This inducement is also related to water quality, especially bacteria. Because the water body is too small and the water quality is poor, the concentration of bacteria will be high, making it easy to infect some weaker fish. The outside world may bring parasites. For example, if some native fish are caught in the wild, and the quarantine is not done before you put in the fish into your current tank, then the wild parasites may be brought back to the healthy fish in the original aquarium. And because the actual healthy fish itself does not have the physical fitness to resist this previously unknown parasite, it is easy to be eroded and cause rotten tails.

The solution is to use bactericidal medicine, such as yellow powder, oxytetracycline, penicillin, etc., but be careful to isolate the fish with rotten tails and treat them separately. Reduce the medicine resistance of other healthy fish. At the same time, the application of medicine may also collapse the nitrifying bacteria system of the original fish tank, causing turbid water quality and further deteriorating water quality.

Caused by the poor health

Poor health is a headache. It has something to do with various external factors. Because of the poor health of the fish, when the living environment is poor, it is easy to lead the fish get sick, which is very similar to the situation of human beings. In this case, it can only be said that try to choose healthy and stronger fish. Here we have to talk about the price of fish. Even if the fish are of the same species, the price is very different because of the color and health. The fish farmer and fish store won't sell the sick fish or unhealthy fish to you in the normal situation, if you see the price is low than the normal market price then you have to becreful of it. 

In conclusion, the problem of rotten ornamental fishtails can only be solved by selecting fish for internal reasons, choosing healthy fish, and finding reliable sources of ornamental fish such as trusted fish seller. Then the final analysis of external factors concludes that a relatively large fish tank is necessary. With a large body of water, the water quality is better and more stable, plus healthy fish, it is not easy to get sick. If we observe, we can find that many aquarium fish with rotten tails are not of very good physical quality. Because they did not eat well when they were young, it is also possible that the breeder fish was born without being fed well. Unless the water quality is good and the fish still has a bad tail, then we have to isolate the fish and use the medicine. 

I want to remind everyone that if the fish tank is too small and the water body is not big enough, try to raise some fish with short fins and tails because it is not easy to cause rotten tails. If you have any other problem with your fish, please comment below and I will share my experinece on how to solve it. Thanks for your reading!!
